Mixed choir (SATB)
A march with tu-ru-tu-tut, boom and ping in the text, no one can resist, right?
Score at:
Setting of two poems by Stig Dagerman for Male choir, piano and string orchestra.
Commissioned by Enskede-Årsta parish, to David Åberg and the male choir, Chorus Fratrum.
Premiered 20 0ctober 2024, Enskede kyrka.
Score at:
Home studio demo recording:
Lova Gud i Himmelshöjd
Nu är en dag framliden
SAA and Piano ad lib
Text: Jesper Svedberg (1653-1735)
Commissioned by Falu ungdomskör (Youth Choir of Falun)
Premiered in Radio P1, Sweden 2024
Scores at Gehrmans :
Because I liked you better
Mixed choir
Commissioned by Neuer Kammerchor Berlin and Adrian Emmans
Premiered 6 July 2024.
Listen on Youtube
Score at Gehrmans
Visa om en visa
Male choir
Commissioned by the Royal Academy of Music (Kungliga Musikaliska akademin), for Orphei Drängar, as a gift to his majesty the King on the occasion of his 50 years on the throne. Premiered October 27 2023 at the gala concert at the castle of Uppsala.
Video from the peformance: Youtube
Score at
Limu limu lima
Mixed Choir (SATB)
Commisioned on the occasion of Hugo Alfvén’s 150th birthday in 2022. To be premiered November 19, 2022 at Berwaldhallen, Stockholm.
TELLUS – den sårbara skönheten
- Ljus
- Vatten
- Klorofyll
- Jorden
- Myller
- Mångfald
- Vila
Childrens choir
Mixed choir
Commissioned by Stockholms stift. Premiered September 24, 2022 in Kungsholms kyrka, Stockholm and Årsta kyrka September 25
A revised version, for choirs and organ only, is also available on Svensk Musik
More about: TELLUS
Famn som bär mig
Mixed choir
Commissioned by Ersta församling
Premiered at Christmas December 25, 2021 in Swedish TV.
Way In, Way Out
1. Announcement Youtube
2. Evening Stroll Youtube
3. Victory March Youtube
Mixed choir
Commissioned by Allmänna Sången, celebrating their 190th anniversary and Maria Goundorina’s 10th year as their leader 2020.
Premiered not untill October 2021 due to the shutdown caused by the corona pandemic.
Way In, Way Out consists of Three pieces for mixed choir SATB a cappella, intended to be used when moving.
Mixed choir
Commissioned by Västerås Stift and premiered in september 2019
Commissioned by Dalarnas Orkesterförening. Premiered in October 2019
Forever Hurts
Mixed choir
Commissoned by The Esoterics, Seattle USA as a result from winning the Polyphonos award.
Premiered in October 2018
More about Forever Hurts
Från en stygg flicka
Female youth choir (SSAA)
Commissioned by Forssaängskören for their 50th anniversary. Premiered in October 2017
Du är
Mixed choir
Premiered by Allmänna Sången in 2020
Listen: Youtube
Mörkret sjunger
Mixed choir and piano
Vem gjorde skyn så klar och blå
Lycklig den…
Bön om vintern
Mixed Choir
Commissioned by Sensus – Gehrmans Musikförlag.
Listen to Bön om vintern with Hjorthagens Vokalensemble here:
Listen to Vem gjorde Skyn så klar och blå with Hedvig Eleonora Kammarkör:
Mixed choir
Commissioned by Orsa church choir for their 100th anniversary.
Score: Gehrmans Musikförlag
CD: Ictus Musikproduktion (Gustaf Sjökivsts kammarkör)
Johannebergs Vokalensemble: Youtube
Hägerstens a Cappella: Youtube
Skogen sjunger
När barnen mister far och mor
String quartet and voice.
Commissioned by Sofia Sandén and Musik i Dalarna.
Youtube: Skogen sjunger
1. The Rights of Woman
2. Surrender Speech
3. The Best Friend
Mixed choir
Winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award 2016.
More about Speeches
Två sånger om kärlek
1. Till dig
2. Hur kan jag säga
Female choir (SSAA)
Commissioned by La Cappella.
Listen (demo recording):
English horn and organ. Commissioned by Folkmusikfesten i Stjärnsund for Inken Menck – english horn and Crescenzo Grifone – organ
Missa Dalecarliensis
Mixed Choir, Organ, Harmonium, 2 violins, cowhorn, cowbell. Winner of the Swedish Church Composition Award 2014.
More about Missa Dalecarliensis
Du gamla du fria
Trad.arr. for the female choir Röster
Working on a piece for organ commissioned by Kira Lankinen.
Recordings of songs that have been in my drawer for a long time:
Songs of Love and Death
Movie soundtracks:
- Lightning, the White Stallion (1986) – dir.by: J. Levey (with Mickey Rooney)
- Affettuose lontananze – dir.by: S. Rossi
- Dramma da camera – dir.by: F. Brancato
- I tre volti del terrore (title song) – dir.by: S. Stivaletti
- Dust factory (co-composer, arranger and text for “title song”) – dir.by: Eric Smal
TV soundtracks:
- La valle del torbido – dir.by: S. Rossi ( RAI 3 )
- Giustizia negata – dir.by: R. Petrelluzzi ( RAI 3 )
- Un angelo entrò nella mia vita – ( Rete 4 )
- Olimpo Lupo dir.by: F. Laurenti – ( Canale5 )
- Roma et Pompei – (Village)
- Ancient Greece – (Village)
- The cities of the Pharaohs – (Village)
- Viaggio attraverso le meraviglie dell’archeologia – (de Agostini)
- È la russia ragazzi
Gli indomabili – ( Rete 4 )
Arrangements och orchestration (soundtracks):
- D’annunzio – dir.by: S. Nasca
- Iguana – dir.by: M. Hellman
- Brother from space – ( with A. Belli )
Arrangements for TV-show-series (selection) :
- Sotto le stelle – RAI 1
- Serata d’onore – RAI 1
- Umbria Fiction – RAI 1
- Io Canto – Canale5
Radio :
- Radio detective – RAI
- Arr. and orchestration of “Bergslags Ersson” for Peter Carlsson and Blå Grodorna, Dalasinfoniettan and Orsa spelmän (Radio Dalarna’s 20th anniversary 1997)
Music Library CDs :
- Snow Age ( BMG Ariola )
- Archaeology ( Prime rose )
- The Ancient World